A couple of examples of software in the foreseeable future

To comprehend the future of modern technology, or any subject, most go to futurists for a calculated anticipation or answer. A futurist is a somebody who researches and studies the future, basing their predictions on some trends and other factors. Having a good understanding of system thinking is essential to growing to be a futurist, as it will assist in mapping trends and predictions for the future. In many respects, a futurist can be contrasted to astrologist, as they make estimations dependent on trends and data they have. One popular attribute of a futurist is looking into the tech industry, anticipating possibly new innovations and software.

Presently, modern technology is evolving far more than we may have supposed in the past, most of which we take for granted today. One piece of future technology that is set to revolutionize the way we link, is the improvement of mobile phone technology. Nearly every year the functionality of mobile phones gradually get better, specially in terms of graphics. This will eventually lead to smartphones becoming in a position to contend with leading home console devices while maintaining its flexibility. One person who will be keen on following mobile technology trends is Richard Li, as he has made benefits to the telecommunications industry.

Intelligent urban mobility solutions is one area in the future that is ready to adjust rapidly, as fossil-fuelled transport will slowly come to be obsolete. During the next 10 to 20 years over 60% of the universal population will live in cities, meaning an improvement in infrastructure and mobility will be essential. One method that will make this movement a lot more effective will be big data, internet of things and highly connected vehicles, as this will assist to measure traffic management, air pollution and co2 levels. Gabrielle Morse has described how smart cities are already underway, with over 200 projects concerning big data and iot increasing currently.

The software development industry is set to accept a few new changes as the years advances. One common trend that has currently been executed is the use of artificial intelligence, utilizing a range of guidelines and algorithms in order to generate some solutions. In the future there are expectations that artificial intelligence will be applied in most technology, permitting a more sophisticated and efficient society. In addition, a demand in cyber safety will be essential as more facts will be produced on the internet, leading to testing for in-app susceptability and performance. Cryptocurrency is set to develop in popularity by much of the population in the future, as this form of currency is seen to be far more secure and streamlined than others. Siraj Sarwar in a recent article has pointed out that cryptocurrency is set to improve, with regulators set on getting even more investors.

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